Machinery Relocations
When Rubber / Tire Equipment is being dispatched from one location to another around the world, it requires expert's intervention in order to ensure smooth and safe transition from the time of loading into container and up to final destination at the customer's end.
The success of such delivery is greatly achieved by selecting the right type of container and by deputing experienced rigging team for the task. The riggers are responsible to load the items in professional manner and balance the load equally inside the container. It is also highly important to use suitable lifting gears and strong lashing accessorries that can secure the equipment which has to sustain the dynamic forces.
The type of containers selected for the delivery is chosen wisely in order to reduce costs for the customer. Each loading is planned by Pelmar well-experienced engineers which review the specification of the items in terms of weights & volume.
There are certain consideration which each of our experienced riggers take into account in order to prevent the equipment inside from being damaged or lost overboard. The best are as follows:
Marking each of the items professionally and wisely in order to assist installation in the client end.
Using advanced lashing equipment including high strength steel cords and wood stoppers for stabilizing the equipment under the tremendous forces during shipment.
Considering weight & volume parameters as proper weights dispersion is mandatory to avoid overweight on certain areas over the container
Container Types